
Gabon Bible School Dedication

October 6, 2015 was a great day for Gabon. Pastors and leaders from Gabon, the Central Africa region, and the USA joined together on the new Gabon Advanced School of Theology (FATAD) campus to dedicate this facility to the glory of God. Over 120 leaders gathered for the dedication service in the newly constructed classroom building block. This classroom and the nearby library are nearly complete. The foundation has been laid for a cafeteria building and the first floor is enclosed for what will be a two story administration building.

The classroom building consists of one large and one small classroom, teacher offices, teacher lounge, and two guest rooms. The library has a large book holding and study area as well as two offices, a computer lab, and storage. The cafeteria will have a dining area as well as the kitchen. The administration building will have offices on the lower floor as well as a conference room and two apartments on the second story for faculty.

The construction of this facility has been a joint effort between the Gabon Assembly of God (AG) and the US AG. The Gabon AG has paid for all of the construction labor while the US AG has provided the construction materials. It is a great partnership to see this vision fulfilled. The Gabon Advanced School of Theology (FATAD) has already administered the entrance exam, and classes will begin in January. The vision is to plant 300 new churches by 2020 through training students at this facility.

Thank you for your part in making this vision a reality. This school will bless the Gabon Assemblies of God and help it to grow for years to come!